So why another Steampunk blog? Because I need a little corner of the webiverse to call my own. I need a place where I can be myself. A place where I can express my opinions without censorship. Mostly a place to gather my thoughts and try to express them coherently. It's a start - I figure practice makes perfect! Yeah, I've got a ton of bad habits - I overuse commas and exclamation points like there's no tomorrow, split infinitives from time to time, tend towards overly long sentences, and commit more grammar violations than I can think of right now. This is not the place for clean writing. This is my stream-of-conciousness place, where I can go on a rant and get it out at once, kind of like coughing up a hairball. Yes, it's true that I have a B.A. degree in English Literature, but please don't hold that against me!
A lot has happened since then. I attended meetups with other Steampunks. I started a Steampunk group in Portland, OR, got kicked out of my own group, and started another Steampunk group with a good friend. I attended cons, spoke on panels, held tea parties, marched in parades, dressed up, got photographed, got interviewed, was a moderator in a couple of online Steampunk groups, sewed clothes, made hats, made jewelry, made friends, made enemies, and was praised, criticized, thanked, vilified and ignored by my fellow Steampunks. I made passionate love to, and broke up with Steampunk numerous times in the past six years. But damn, I can't seem to quit Steampunk.
So dear Reader, if you choose to bear with me, these are the topics I'll be talking about here. My experience with the Steampunk community has been very much a mixed bag. I have seen the humor, creativity, intelligence, open-mindedness, and impeccable manners and courtesy that the Steampunk community is famous for. I have also seen the ugly, all too human underbelly of Steampunk- the narcissism, hypocrisy, grasping for power and need to control that humans can't seem to get away from. It might not always be pretty, but I will always write about Steampunk as I see it.
Now for something completely different - here is a picture of an adorable kitten.
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